
Showing posts from July, 2020


MY YOGA JOURNEY - BECOMING A "YOGI" QUE ES YOGA? In short, Yoga is a  discipline that includes the use of physical, mental, and spiritual practices.  A mind - body practice if you will, that uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It falls under the holistic health practice category and is said to help to improve health and happiness.  In the simplest of terms, Yoga basically means "union".  I can sit here and discuss every detail about it, as it is so much more but for the purpose of this blog we'll keep it short lol WHY PRACTICE YOGA? I believe testimonials are important in helping figure out what and why someone  would chose to practice.  I've personally always been interested in and practicing Yoga postures for quite some time. I have also always been very interested in the practice and the ties to Indian culture and Buddhism.  Most of all I chose to begin practicing Yoga as a commitment to my mental health and ...