Self- Healing shouldn't feel Isolating

"Self " - Healing shouldn't feel Isolating During my "self healing journey", I always declared myself a "self-healer". I wanted to heal myself because growing up I didn't have the support I needed nor did I see ways to receive access to the resources I needed. I didn't realize why I was so prideful and stuck on the term self-healing. I now realize that because of the lack of trust I had in my guardians growing up, I had learned to only trust in myself as a coping-mechanism. The truth is, I would have liked to have the support. I wanted and desperately searched for community and guidance. Although, my hyper-independence truly limited the scope of my depth in those relationships... I still remember crying or tearing up any time someone expressed care or interest in my wellbeing. (This still happens now) Going to doctors appointments by myself, I always teared up when the doctor would give me recommendations on how to feel better. Acts of ki...