what is a Naturopathic Doctor and Naturopathy?

what is a Naturopathic Doctor and Naturopathy? 

According to WebMD, naturopathy is, "a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. It embraces many therapies, including herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and nutritional counseling."

A naturopathic doctor practices naturopathy and their education consists of, "attending an accredited four-year, graduate-level school." "There they study basic sciences similar to those studied in conventional medical school. They also study nutrition, psychology, and complementary therapies such as herbal medicine and homeopathy. Some states and territories require naturopathic doctors to become licensed. That means they have to pass an exam to practice and take continuing education classes." (via https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-is-naturopathic-medicine)"

OK? so... 

sooooo you see what happened was, I was driving down the blvd to one of the best coffee shops in Oxnard... I always see a bunch of different holistic wellness businesses ranging from botanicas, tiendas naturistas and then today I saw a naturopathic office. In my journey through exploring the way I engage in my own wellness, I have visited various holistic shops and nutrition spaces here in Oxnard as part of my own market research. (More on that later...) 

I walk in and say hello and theres one gentleman sitting behind a desk and the space is expansive with shelves of products, and massage tables. I address myself to the man, "Buenas Tardes, estaba pasando por aqui y me llamo la atencion preguntar que servicios ofrece aqui?" He answered, "Hola, soy doctor naturopatico y doy educacion de nutricion y como mejorar la alimentacion para tu salud". He went off on a rant about all of the great inventors and how they never consumed "cadaveres". He said a lot of other things that sounded more like dumping all of the things he knew and pointing out how the first place us "latinos" go to is a taco truck. He also pointed out how the fact that I have glasses is a cause of poor nutrition. He pointed out that he doesnt wear glasses, has no "canas" and hes 58. no pues que bien! 

And then???

well the point of me writing this is that I went in very curious and open like a prospective client and got met with a lecture, negative stereotypes about my culture and additionally as I walked out he yelled after "mejóre su alimentación". Maybe he assumed I wouldnt go back, and after that interaction I probably wont? lol I was really curious about the experiences that the community faces when asking for help and seeking different options for health. This was my first impression of this man of course and I'm sure he is very knowledgeable and may be of great help to many! Butttt....... In my personal opinion that interaction left me feeling like he was any other doctor I've ever seen. He spoke down to me, pointed out the reasons I was unhealthy and then gave me a price at the end of the interaction... lol like what.... 

The last thing I would want you to think after reading this is that there is no hope and you should not visit one of these naturopathic doctors. I know when I've visited Mexico and even Guatemala, the comments I hear about holistic medicine and wellness are shrugged off or the folx who practice are described as extremist. I think this experience reminded me as to why folx may think or feel that way regarding professionals in these spaces. I still think naturopathy is an incredible support when available and accessible. I myself have hit a wall in navigating traditional health spaces and have leaned into alternative health practices. I know many folx feel the same. These conversations come up when folx attend their doctor visits and dont get anything more than a diagnosis and prescription. Many of us are looking for more, and we want to feel well! 


My greatest takeaway was in trying to see how folx in our community are being welcomed, spoken to and educated within these spaces that are "made for us" to better our health and wellness. I try living in the duality and always trying to see things from both sides but the spaces I have visited feel very - this or that like. I envision more of a "neo-wellness" lens where folx can be invited into holistic wellness without the judgement and pressure... where folx are met with curiosity and support. 

I'm discouraged by the state of health and wellness but I am excited for all I will have to offer in the holistic wellness space through the understanding of where there are gaps in this space. 

Follow my journey through holistic wellness and latine centered lifestyle coaching through my business 
Vive Tu Vida Bonita and future non-profit space Viviendo Una Vida Bonita. 

Follow me at:
@vibrabonita.vida (health and wellness)
@viviendounavidabonita (nonprofit community holistic health and wellness)
@vida.iluminame (spiritual and ancestral guidance and support)
@stellalaguerrera (yoga, mental health and social advocacy)


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