
what is a Naturopathic Doctor and Naturopathy?

what is a Naturopathic Doctor and Naturopathy?  According to WebMD, naturopathy is, " a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. It embraces many therapies, including herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and nutritional counseling." A naturopathic doctor practices naturopathy and their education consists of, " attending an accredited four-year, graduate-level school." "There they study basic sciences similar to those studied in conventional medical school. They also study nutrition, psychology, and complementary therapies such as herbal medicine and homeopathy. Some states and territories require naturopathic doctors to become licensed. That means they have to pass an exam to practice and take continuing education classes." (via )" OK? so...  sooooo you see what happened was, I was driving down the blvd to one of the best coffee shops in Oxnard... I always see a bunc

Social Media is Fake

social media is fake.  Its obvious I know.  We all know,  but what I didn't know- was the long term effects of growing up on social media.  My first recollection of social media was going on those group chat websites and talking to strangers.  Then myspace at the tender age of 11. The internet was a new terrain and I had absolutely no limits. I have far too many stories that Id rather not focus on now.  I remember the day I got my first smart phone at 14.  I remember the feeling because I looked at the device like I didnt know how I was doing it before.  When I got my first Iphone around 16, it felt like I was a part of a new world.  Twitter was the first eyes to read my writing, my late night reflections...  So many apps.  I even remember the first time I got caught up into some sort of "internet scandal."  The subtweets, the rumors, the bullying, the horror stories...  I never realized how much of that came to create my identity and who I presented myself to be online. 

My journey to Holistic Wellness and navigating Traditional Mental Health services

My journey to Holistic Wellness and navigating Traditional Mental Health services  Like every journey there was a beginning but fortunately this journey doesn't have an end so you have the pleasure of following along as it continues to evolve to the next step, on and on... For me, using the term "Holistic Wellness" was not part of a trend or fad, it has been an active embodiment of practices in my everyday life and I use the term confidently knowing the full scope of the practice. To keep it brief I consider holistic wellness to be an integration of my dedication to wellness through engaging the (3) elements of my human body: mind, body and soul .  I always dabbled within holistic wellness as my personality has always been to be curious, DIY, and in search of happiness. Although to get here and have learned what I have, I also needed to navigate through traditional mental health services and find my own balance for what I know to work for me.  Navigating Traditional Menta

Self- Healing shouldn't feel Isolating

  "Self " - Healing shouldn't feel Isolating During my "self healing journey", I always declared myself a "self-healer".  I wanted to heal myself because growing up I didn't have the support I needed nor did I see ways to receive access to the resources I needed.  I didn't realize why I was so prideful and stuck on the term self-healing.  I now realize that because of the lack of trust I had in my guardians growing up, I had learned to only trust in myself as a coping-mechanism.  The truth is, I would have liked to have the support. I wanted and desperately searched for community and guidance. Although, my hyper-independence truly limited the scope of my depth in those relationships... I still remember crying or tearing up any time someone expressed care or interest in my wellbeing. (This still happens now) Going to doctors appointments by myself, I always teared up when the doctor would give me recommendations on how to feel better. Acts of ki

Isolation for an Anxious Introvert

  Isolation for an Anxious-Introvert  I want to first break down the word Anxious-Introvert.  Looking up the definition of introvert, there is a specific mention to not being readily open and willing to either share your ideas and feelings or even to present yourself.  The anxious part of the word refers to the feeling of unease and worry.  This combination of unease and worry along with choosing no to be so quick to share with others about yourself and how your feeling is what has been a theme for me throughout my entire life.  I am the type of person who will shut down at the first sign of distraction and the person who will change the subject/idea to something simpler when I realize the person I am talking to either dismisses my ideas or simply only wants to engage in a surface level conversation.  The fear of rejection within spaces that ask of me to share my time, feelings and emotions is tied into the anxious feelings and this is the reason for my isolation.  I truly feel I thriv


  ASKING FOR HELP  -  WORKING WITH A LIFE COACH WHAT IS A LIFE COACH?  "A life coach is a professional advocate who consults with people to help them strengthen life skills and reach their full potential. Life coaches are highly sought after because they help people make new goals and change the direction of their lives.  They use their interpersonal skills to learn more about each person and their history and to provide them with an objective perspective on what is necessary to take their personal or professional endeavors to the next level. Additionally, they offer support, motivation and accountability to do the work necessary to achieve clients' goals.  Life coaches can also assist people through major life crises and transitions, as well as those with emotional or social disorders that impact their lives. These professionals help people learn to thrive after experiencing periods of adversity. For example, an individual who is pursuing a career change could employ a life c


MY YOGA JOURNEY - BECOMING A "YOGI" QUE ES YOGA? In short, Yoga is a  discipline that includes the use of physical, mental, and spiritual practices.  A mind - body practice if you will, that uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It falls under the holistic health practice category and is said to help to improve health and happiness.  In the simplest of terms, Yoga basically means "union".  I can sit here and discuss every detail about it, as it is so much more but for the purpose of this blog we'll keep it short lol WHY PRACTICE YOGA? I believe testimonials are important in helping figure out what and why someone  would chose to practice.  I've personally always been interested in and practicing Yoga postures for quite some time. I have also always been very interested in the practice and the ties to Indian culture and Buddhism.  Most of all I chose to begin practicing Yoga as a commitment to my mental health and spiritual growth.      HOW DID